Wednesday, March 23

Set my eyes upon Jesus

Ever felt how the whole world is turning against you?

I get this feeling when I first made a decision to serve God in a full time basis. Everyone around me seems to turn their back on me (okay..that was exaggerating. Some only lah, not all).

Last night when I called my Dad to tell him about my decision, I know that he was shocked but he still managed to be calmed like tiada perasaan he usually did. Despite his calmness, I know deep in his heart that he’s actually disappointed. Later when he called me again the next morning, he stated his full support for my decision (again, I can sense the disappointment in his tone of voice).

The case was different for my Mum. She called me this evening when she was told by my Dad about my decision. She doesn’t seemed to received it well. I know she is deeply disappointed about my decision. I don’t blame her either. I can understand her disappointment. Me, being their first child to enter degree (Mechanical some more!) is so far their only hope for success. They expected me to finish my degree, get a handsomely-paid job, and support them financially. But that is not the case now!

Thank God that I have a God for me to rely on despite what I feel now. When the world seems to turn against me, I know I can set my eyes upon Jesus, and hold on to His promise that He’ll never leave me. I know that He’ll enable me to go through all these tests. He also had sent me a bunch of wonderful friends that are caring enough to support me, morally and spiritually. Who are caring enough to know how I feel, and accept me for who I am, and support me for doing what I love to do.

I’ve considered all the risks of following Jesus. Jesus said;

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate (love less in comparison) father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple."- Luke 14: 2

Despite all that I am going through, I will still hold on to my decision to serve Him. He is the one who has called me, and He will open the way for me.


  1. "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it" -1 Corinthians 10:13- :)

  2. Thanks for the encouraging verse Winny. Appreciate it so much! =)

  3. Be strong !!
    God always be by your side..
    Nothing to worry =) God will hold your hands..
    Mark 10 : 28 -30
