Tuesday, March 22


Who says that U-turn only happen on the road?

As much as U-turn occur on the road, God does allows U-turn in our lives too. I am the living example here.

Let me tell you a lil' bit about my background. I am a person with great ambition in life. I wanted to be an engineer so I enrolled for an engineering diploma. I thought having only a diploma wouldn't be enough for me. I pursue my degree after I finished my diploma in 2010.

I first sensed my calling when I was very young (I am still :P). But then, I was unsure and ignorant about it. But the more I tried to ignore it, the more stronger it feels. Now that I am clear and sure of my calling, I am willing to go and serve the Lord wholeheartedly. I feel that this is the time for me to respond to what God has called me to do.

I am willing to let go of my ambition. I may not have all the luxuries in the world, I may not have any properties to invest on, but one thing I believe, that my God is a God of provider - Jehovah Jireh.

Now that I've made this decision, so Lord,

"..Here am I. Send me!" - Isaiah 6:8

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